
Parenting and Relationships

Family chatting with grandparents

We know parenting isn't always easy and family life has lots of challenges along the way. If you're finding things at home tough we are here to help through our Achieving Better Connections (ABC) sessions for parents / carers.

ABC: These are weekly sessions for 2 hours for 6 weeks and will cover the following topics, Good Enough Parenting, Healthy Child Development, Emotional Resilience, Family Values and Healthy Boundaries and Safer Communities. If you would like a snap shot of the ABC sessions please access the links in the service section.

Following completion of the ABC sessions we have additional sessions, called Bolt Ons, that can be accessed following a discussion with the facilitator. 

Bolt on's to these sessions are:

·       Autism

·       ADHD

·       Violent and Aggressive Behaviour (VAB)

The bolt on's have been created to support parents/carers with children who have additional needs or requiring further support.  The ADHD and Autism bolt on's focus upon understanding the diagnosis with tailored support and advice.  The VAB bolt on focuses upon understanding challenging behaviour, what increases the risk and how to de-escalate situations.

ABC Snapshots: The Snapshots provide an overview of the information from the Achieving Better Connections (ABC) sessions which are available, for free, within your local Family Hub.

The Snapshots contain a short presentation that can be read or listened to from the comfort of your own home.  The Snapshots provide information around building relationships, child development and emotional resilience and how we as parents can support our children in their journey to adulthood.

Organisation or service

Family Hubs

Get in touch

Contact details

Name: Parenting and relationships team

phone: 0191 5617005



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Family chatting with grandparents