Swinton Family Hub

Swinton Family Hub

Swinton Family Hub is located within Swinton Gateway which offers a wide range of community services and facilities.

Salford Family Hubs are places in the local community where different organisations, including the community and voluntary sector, work together, to offer a one stop shop for families with children aged 0 -19 and up to 25 for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

The four Family Hubs are spread across the city with some services being delivered from various satellite buildings and community venues. Services include, support for antenatal, postnatal, child health, targeted early help, relationships, parenting, SEND provision, perinatal parent infant mental health services (PPIMHS) and youth service provision.

The Hubs offer a warm and welcoming space where families can access information and support and have a say on what could be delivered.

Activities and group sessions are run from all our hubs and other venues across the city, details can be found under the activities and events link at the top right of this page.


Swinton Gateway

100 Chorley Road


M27 6BP


0161 686 7229

Opening times:

Family Hub open: 8:30am to 4:30pm

Swinton Gateway open: Monday to Thursday 8am to 10pm, Friday 8am to 6:30pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm

Activities and services that run from Swinton Family Hub include:

  • Chat, Play, Read: A parent and toddler group for mobile babies to 5 years - Every Wednesday at 10am - 11:30am

  • Baby Social: For babies 0-12 months - Every Friday and Weekends at 10am - 11am

  • Baby Feeding Peer Support Drop-ins: Friday 10:30am - 12pm

  • Babies First Foods: 3rd Friday of every month - 10am - 11am

  • Salford Action for Autism SAFA: A chance to talk and share experiences with other parents of children with autism - Three Saturdays a month, no group the first Saturday of each month: 11am - 12:30pm

  • Music Sessions: 18 months to 4 years.

  • Polka dots: Children with disabilities group - For children aged 0-10 years, pre and post diagnosis - Every Saturday - 10:30am - 12:00pm

  • Healthy Child Clinics: Every Wednesday 9am - 11:30am

  • Midwifery clinics

  • Sign & Sing - Every Monday 13th January to 3rd February 1:30 to 2:30pm

Co-located services include:

• Early Help Locality Teams

• Parent and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS)

• 0 - 19 Service (Health Visiting & School Nursing)

• Swinton Library with computer access and free wifi

• Starting Life Well

Swinton Gateway gives you access to all your council services. You can speak to friendly advisors about:

• Council Tax

• Housing Benefit

• Business Rates

• Free school meals

• School admissions

• Blue Badges

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Swinton Family Hub