
Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP)

Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership

Professionals working with children and families in Salford have a responsibility to keep children safe and provide support when needs are identified. The SSCP drives this by providing expertise and leadership across the local area.  This is facilitated by strong partnership working; scrutiny of practice through a variety of methods including case reviews, sharing knowledge, developing the workforce, and providing a whole-Salford lens on key issues. An annual report is completed each year, which outlines the work undertaken by the partnership and its impact on safeguarding outcomes for children and young people in Salford. The SSCP arrangements provide an opportunity to reflect on and consider how this work is achieved within the legislative framework, to ensure all partners achieve the vision that ‘every child in Salford is safe, well and able to reach their full potential’.

The SSCP website offers information and resources for professionals, parents, carers, and young people on a range of topics relating to safeguarding children, and well-being and support for children and families. The SSCP provides multiagency training for those working with children and families in Salford including the community and voluntary sector.

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Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership