Tree Tops Occupational Therapy are an established service with an outstanding reputation and Sensory Integration expertise.
Tree Tops are a private organisation that charge for their services. Charges vary depending on what type of assessment or treatment you undertake.
The Tree Tops team are passionate about making a difference to babies/children’s/young adult's lives by working in partnership with families, schools and health professionals.
The Therapy team have been assessing and treating children both within their well resourced clinic and school settings since 2002.
Children who access their service range between 0-18+ years of age (and adults) can present with a variety of difficulties and/or conditions:
Independent Life Skills (dressing, feeding)
Development Co-ordination Disorder (Dyspraxia)
Visual Perception Difficulties
Fine Motor difficulties
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Asperger’s Syndrome
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Sensory Processing Disorder
Down’s Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Attachment Disorder
Feeding Difficulties
Sleep Difficulties
Baby Sensory
The work also extends to include children with challenging behaviours.
Their therapists are trained in SI and SOS feeding and they also provide training for parents/carers and professionals in all the above areas. Tree Tops are very proud to have two support groups which are vital to parents and children/young adults.