Siblings Private Day Nursery prides itself on providing a homely atmosphere; we promise to care of your child the way you expect us to and how we would like our own children looked after.
Staff have been chosen for their abilities to look after young children exceptionally well, to nurture every child as an individual and support them in their learning and development across all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Please visit us at a time convenient to yourself and your family. There is always a manager on site who will be pleased to welcome you into the nursery and show you around. You will be given a great deal of information about the nursery and what to expect from us. We welcome you to ask as many questions as you wish.
Children are able to play with a large range of equipment, resources and activities from 7.00am to 6.00pm each day. Staff are very aware of the children's individual needs and build firm relationships to support their learning. We recognise parents as the main people in a child's life and do everything we can to support you and your family.
This setting is registered for Tax Free Childcare.
Who is the service provider
Siblings Nurseries North East Limited
Business & Innovation Centre
Wearfield, Sunderland Enterprise Park
Tyne & Wear
There is a bus stop right outside. The nursery is on the main route to Sunderland just off the A1231 leading to the A19. There is a secure drop off zone and safe car park directly outside the nursery.
Accessibility & Inclusion Information
Wheelchair Access - Yes
The nursery is a single storey facility with ramps, wide doors and plenty of floor space. Disabled toilets are available with low level units, door handles and a pull string cord.
Special Needs - Yes
The staff at the nursery consist of a well trained and qualified team. A range of ages, backgrounds and experience provides families with childcare professionals which include a counsellor trained nursery officer, a nursery officer with experience of a child development unit and a nursery manager with previous social services experience. All staff attend appropriate training.
Dietary Needs - Yes
The nursery would consult with parents and accommodate the necessary diet. Hot meals are prepared on the premises or parents can provide their own food if preferred.
Cultural Provisions - Yes
The nursery celebrate a variety of festivals and events, they also have a wide range of resources and equipment.