Place2Be provides counselling and support to children and young people in primary and secondary schools. Approximately half the pupils they work with have some sort of Special Educational Need (SEN). They offer support to pupils who may have a range of challenges, such as friendship problems, bullying and bereavement.
They provide 1:1 counselling for pupils. The counselling can take place for up to a year. They also work with groups of children and run Place2Talk - where pupils can come during their lunchtime to talk to a counsellor.
They hope that pupils who use their service feel better and more able to cope with the challenges they face. They hope that pupils become better able to learn and to enjoy their time with their friends and important adults in their lives.
At Place2Be they know that it is important to work closely with parents and carers. Then a pupil is referred to the service, they meet the parents/carers to make sure their views about their child are listened to. They can also offer individual support to parents/carers.
They work closely with school staff who know the pupil well. This includes the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and other key members of staff. They also liaise with other professionals who know the pupil. This could include professionals from education, health and social care. They always ask for parents' permission to work with other professionals.
Where is it located and what area does it cover? Their service is currently working in the following schools in Sunderland Local Authority
Southwick Community Primary
Highfield Community Primary
Barmston Primary
Thorney Close Primary (work to start here soon)
What does your service provide for? The service is open to children, young people, parents/carers and staff in the schools listed above. They currently work with children and young people who are in key stage 1, 2 and 3 (ie. 5-14 year olds).
How can I start using the service? 1:1 counselling - If your child attends one of the school listed above and is in Key Stage 1 or 2 you can speak to a member of staff, eg. the SENCO, about a referral to Place2Be. You can also meet with the Place2Be school project manager to talk about your child's needs and how they might benefit from using the service. If your child is in Key Stage 3, they can refer themselves to the service.
Place2Talk - If your child feels they need some support they can be offered a short lunchtime appointment. They can ask for a lunchtime appointment using the Place2Be box at school.
How are decisions made about who can use the service? Decisions about who can use the 1:1 counselling service are usually made between a key member of staff, eg. the SENCO and the Place2Be school project manager. This decision will also include the parents/carer and the pupil themselves.
How do you communicate with service users and how are they involved in decision making/planning? Pupils and their parents/carers are fully involved in the decisions about accessing the Place2Be counselling service. Pupils and their parents will be involved in decisions about the service such as when it begins and ends.
Is the service fully accessible? Place2Be counsellors work in schools. They aim for their service to be fully accessible. If there are additional arrangements that need to be made in order for this to happen, then this can be discussed at the referral stage.
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having? Place2Be has 2 full time Principal Educational Psychologists. Their role is to support Place2Be staff in their work with pupils with SEND. This support includes access to training in how best to offer counselling support to pupils with SEND. The Educational Psychologists also provide information, advice and consultation about a pupil's SEND. In this way, Place2Be offers an appropriate, personalised approach to your child's needs.
Who can I contact for further information? For more information about Place2Be, please visit their website. If Place2Be already works in your child's school, please ask to speak to the school SENCO or the Place2Be school project manager, via the school office.