The nursery is run by an experienced manager. The staff are very caring and loving. All meals are home cooked on the premises, and any dietary needs can be catered for.
The nursery is open all year apart from bank holidays for which there is no charge. Flexible hours are available including starting and finishing times.
There are large age appropriate playrooms and gardens, computer suite, separate sleep room which is staffed at all times. The nursery offers a safe and secure environment.
The Garden has recently undergone improvements including all natural equipment to develop children’s learning.
We also hold the Healthy Early Years Award and I CAN - Accreditation.
This setting is registered for Tax Free Childcare.
Nesham Place
Houghton le Spring
Tyne & Wear
Bus services nearby.
Accessibility & Inclusion Information
Wheelchair Access - Yes
Wheelchair access via backdoor ramp, no internal level change, wide doors and disabled toilet available.
Special Needs - Yes
Staff will endeavour to include all children in our activity planning and promote participation in play and learning. Staff will access training as appropriate, after discussion with parents / carers
Dietary Needs - Yes
Upon discussion with parents. We are very aware of products we buy and keep lists of foods individual children may / may not have. We would purchase any other specific items necessary.
Cultural Provisions - Yes
Include various religious celebrations as part of the curriculum, and discuss needs with parents. We celebrate many festivals, and would discuss a child's specific needs with parents.