AIM is neither a mental health service nor learning disability service. We are commissioned by NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group to provide low level preventative support. We are a solution-focused service that works with individuals and families to enable them to live as independently as possible, with the knowledge that if they need any further support, it is available.
We work with individuals and families helping them to resolve any issues or problems they have. We endeavour to stop things from becoming worse and reaching crisis point.
AIM supports individuals in many different ways:
Providing a link to other services
Making and attending appointments
Support during benefit assessments
Offering personal profiling for individuals
Self-awareness and understanding sessions
Supporting housing or accommodation issues
We also offer an adult’s autism outreach service to individuals on the autistic spectrum who are socially isolated and are unable to attend drop-in sessions, but who are in need of support.
Please visit our website for more details.