Include In Autism consists of an experienced, knowledgeable, dedicated and passionate team who provides support to families & individuals who live with autism and associated conditions which includes learning disabilities, ADHD, challenging behaviour, anxiety, OCD, SPD, PDD, PDA, Tourette's, complex needs, communication disorder and other additional needs associated with the disorder / condition.
They offer support in educational settings with IEP's EHCP's CIN & TAF meetings, they also support in access to work environments as well as advocating for individuals with autism through the assessment process both pre and post diagnosis. Include in Autism provide transitional support to those moving though children's to adults services. They provide a robust transitional plan with an action plan that has a positive outcome for the individual. They also provide individual positive proactive support to each individual who requires additional support for their behaviour management.
Include In Autism is a crisis prevention service and provides a Crisis Plan for those that may require additional support. They provide a wraparound service to those that may struggle with anxiety, mental health or other complex needs to help people with autism work towards independence. They provide families with the resources, techniques and interventions necessary to help people reach their desired independence goals by working together.
Include in Autism provides a safe space for those requiring intensive support in order to prevent any crisis moments. They do this by providing a calm, informal and relaxed environment in order to get the best out of the person to increase trust and confidence with them. Through this environment it will also increase learning skills for the person who requires additional support and by providing educational, therapeutic and recreational activities for people in the North East of England and beyond.
Empowering parents, carers, advocates and the people themselves by exchanging ideas, sharing experiences and knowledge whilst promoting inclusion, awareness and above all acceptance.
They improve the quality of lives through inclusion and lessening any feeling of social isolation. They always have the people at the heart of the service by operating with integrity and strive for the highest quality of support through delivering a fair, respectful, transparent and honest culture.