Gateshead College provides a wide range of academic and vocational courses including A Levels, BTEC, Foundation Learning, basic literacy, numeracy, gardening, catering, ICT, work skills, work experience and independent travel.
Gateshead College apprenticeship vacancies are advertised on the national apprenticeship website. Any queries can be directed to the Gateshead College apprenticeship team on 0191 490 4636 or via email.
Criteria for access
Gateshead College will consider applicants with a range of moderate to severe difficulties, and other young people who may require additional support for their learning.
Foundation Learning is designed to help young people with a learning difficulty or special training needs to become more confident and independent and prepare them for further study or work.
Some courses are general - individuals study a range of subjects based on their learning needs, and then decide which area they like the most. Other courses are more specific to subject areas.
You can register your interest for the above courses online, by telephone on 0191 490 2246 or by email.
Universal Services
Gateshead College is a universal service but entry requirements and criteria apply for some courses and applicants are advised to contact Gateshead College directly.