
Information for families from all ethnic minority backgrounds

Families cuddling each other

New to the UK or from all ethnic minority backgrounds and not sure what support is available? contact Winnibell Family Hub for advice and support, we support all families including those with no recourse to public funds, you are able to access our services.

Get in touch

Contact details

Name: Reception

phone: 0191 561 2850



  • International Community Organisation of Sunderland

    ICOS exists to improve the quality of life of BME people in the North East and to enhance community cohesion and intercultural understanding in this area.

  • Friends of the Drop In

    Helping to improve the lives of asylum seeking and refugee community of Sunderland.

  • Sunderland African Community Association (SACA)

    SACA is a Global Majority Background (GMB) led organisation that serves African communities in Sunderland. Their services include providing support and development, promotion of African Heritage.

  • New Horizon Sunderland

    Providing holistic support to the African community living in the City of Sunderland

  • MICC Chapel of light

    We raise community Agents of Change and transform lives through love. We aim to support everyone especially people from the GMB, transient student community and residents within the city.

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Families cuddling each other