
Person Centred SEN Support in Early Years

Young Person in a wheelchair sat at a table with his family

Together for Children has developed a practical tool for SENCO's and all those who teach and support children in Early Years settings in Sunderland. We hope it will be useful for parents and carers too. 

The aim is to help make sure that children and their parents/carers are put at the heart of a graduated approach to SEN support in Sunderland.

The SEND Code of Practice explains the graduated approach in four stages:

  • Assess

  • Plan

  • Do

  • Review 

The toolkit looks at each stage providing practical tips on how to gather person centred information and develop plans; how to include the child and their parents in effective meetings; and links to other useful tools and resources.

The guide is a practical resource that provides information about how person centred approaches can be used within a graduated approach to deliver SEN support. 

If you view the toolkit on a computer there are links that you can click to direct you to additional information and services. 

Find our useful guide below!

Organisation or service

Together for Children


  • Early Years Inclusion Toolkit

    The toolkit has been developed to support Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCos) and other Early Years staff.

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Young Person in a wheelchair sat at a table with his family