
Disability Access Fund (DAF)

Mam baking cupcakes with her child

Disability Access Fund (DAF) is a one off payment that is given to any registered early years provider who is providing an early education place for any two, three or four year old who successfully claims Disability Living Allowance. 

The Disability Access Fund (DAF) will help providers to make reasonable adjustments in their settings, either to support the individual child, or for the benefit of all children attending the setting.

Eligibility for Disability Access Fund (DAF)

2, 3 and 4 year olds will be eligible for the DAF if they meet the following criteria:

  • the child is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and;

  • the child attends an early years provider for the funded entitlement

Please note: Four year olds in primary and infant school reception classes are NOT eligible for DAF funding.  Children become eligible for funded early education at different points in the year depending on when they turn 2.  


Early years providers offering funded places to children who are eligible for DAF funding will be entitled to receive a one-off payment for each child.  The DAF is not based on an hourly rate and is an additional payment.

A provider can apply for the funding at any point in the academic year, however DAF funding is allocated only once in a 12 month period.  Applications for further payments can only be made after the yearly anniversary of any previous payment. 

If the child attends more than one setting only the main setting will receive the payment.  The child's parents will choose which setting will receive the funding and this will be recorded on the parental declaration form.

If a child moves settings within the year the new setting will not be eligible to receive a payment until 12 months after the first payment was made.

Identifying eligible children

Early Years providers are responsible for identifying eligible children.  Parents of children qualifying for Disability Living Allowance are required to provide documental evidence of this entitlement.  This is usually a benefits award letter from the DWP, sent to parents, naming the child for whom the benefit is paid.  Providers need to make an electronic copy of this evidence and submit it with the DAF application on the Provider Portal.

Claiming DAF

Claims for Disability Access Funding are to be made through the Provider Portal.  A completed application form and copy of evidence of DLA will need to be submitted via the portal. A link to the portal is below.

Further Information

A Frequently Asked Question document is linked below


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Mam baking cupcakes with her child